Tag Archives: nostalgia

A Slice of Nostalgia and Music


Congrats to “The Artist” in winning 5 Oscars! It is an amazing film, very timely made for today’s audience in a rapidly changing, future-oriented, and pragmatic society we live in. The movie asks us to stop, look back at the past and ask the question: What have we lost? What have we forgotten in the our endless pursuit of progress? Are we about to lose more?

So step back and remember the roots of cinema. This piece of music, the main theme for the film, is to me, perfect in bringing back nostalgia for old films. So listen, and go back in time.

Nostalgia and old posters


Been spending time with a big stack of dull textbooks and an even bigger pile of notes. Maybe that’s what inspired me to whip out my laptop and look for some old-school nostalgia and travel ads. And the gems I ended up uncovering were more than enough to make my day.

For the love of all things vintage and travel-ish, I present to you this AMAZING collection of vintage travel posters I found. Don’t you wish posters today still looked like this?

New York.

Italy. I love that vespa. And the girl looks like she’s having so much fun!

The Caribbean. Check out that skirt and its frills.

Chicago. Absolutely loving the tagline. Chicago: The Windy City. 

Bali. Exotic and mysterious?

Mexico. Yummy yummy fruits.

Paris. Fabulous montage. That Mona Lisa sure did catch my eye.

Siam. Or Thailand as it’s known today. Loving the twilight hue of the poster.

Cuba. Sunny and Beachy.

Hawaii. Of flowers and pineapples.

Lugano. I want to wear a pink dress and lie in a tree too!

Ticino. In Italy. This just became one of my favourite posters.

So there are plenty more posters that I found, but these are just some of those that really caught my eye. Now I feel like I HAVE to travel to all these places.  Do you have a favourite poster out of all these jewels?